year old Lt. Stuart Murray William Farquharson-Roberts was born at
Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey, on 3 June 1922 and apologises for being
a bit forgetful but has a strong voice and a clear mind. His wife is in
hospital but he is hoping she will be home for his 100th Birthday
on the 3 June. Capt S. M. W. Farquharson-Roberts O.B.E. was placed on the retirement list on 30th March 1977.
In the late 1930ies he was sent to Brighton
College, an independent boarding school established in 1845. He took
the special
entry exam for Dartmouth in 1939, was good at mathematics, passed, did
well at the interview and entered the Royal Navy College,
Dartmouth, aged eighteen in 1940. On the 3 June 1940, his 18th birthday and second day at Dartmouth, he received a message that his father, Colonel
M.F. Farquharson-Roberts of the Royal Army Service Corp (RASC), had
escaped from Dunkirk aboard a destroyer. It could have been HMS Venomous,
the destroyer my father served in much later in the war, which on that day brought back 1,400
troops including Generals Alexander and Percival.
HMAS Australia and the Battle of Dakar
the end of his first term at Dartmouth twenty of the cadets volunteered
to begin their service as midshipmen in allied warships. Stuart Farquharson-Roberts was one of three cadets who joined the Australian heavy cruiser, HMAS Australia (Captain R.R. Stewart R.N). HIs wartime service had a dramatic beginning when HMAS Australia was
sent to Dakar, the French naval base on the west coast of Africa, to
demand the surrender of the French Fleet after the fall of France, Operation Menace. It was mportant to prevent the French Fleet falling into German hands, and especially their new battleship Richelieu.
HMAS Australia was part of a powerful force which included an aircraft carrier, the Ark Royal, two battleships, HMS Barham and Resolution, five cruisers and eleven destroyer escorts. On
23 September they were ordered to steam offshore so that the French
warships could see how powerful they were and be persuaded to
surrender and join the Free French forces under General de Gaulle. Their orders from naval headquarters required them to determine whether the French were “Happy,
sticky or
nasty”. Mid Stuart Farquharson-Roberts was on the Air Defence Position
above the bridge with a clear view of what happened as they
approached. The Walrus, their catatapult launched flying boat, took off
to observe the French fleet and was shot down killing all three of its
crew and when HMAS Australia came within range the French shore batteries opened fire. From
his position above the bridge Stuart thought the shells were
hurtling straight towards him. It was clear that the French were
"nasty" and had no intention of surrendering.
The powerful French destroyer L'Audacieux
left harbour and steamed towards HMAS Australia.
Captain R.R. Stewart R.N. decided to signal her in French to surrender
or she would be sunk but neither he or the Australians on the
bridge knew any French. His 18 year old Midshipman, until recently a
schoolboy at Brighton College, called out that he knew some French and
told by Captain Stewart to come on down. He had a problem with
the French
word for sunk but a dictionary was brought to the bridge and Stuart's
translation was signalled to the French destroyer and received a
single word reply, "Jamais". Captain Stewart asked what it meant and
Stuart told him, "Never!" The Captain ordered Australia to open fire at 1624/23 and three minutes later the French
destroyer was on fire from stem to stern. According to one report a RN destroyer was
sent to pick up survivors but the French shore batteries opened fire on her and she
withdrew. The French ship burned for 36 hours and was eventually beached.
A landing was attempted by Free French troops from French
sloops but withering fire from a strong point overlooking the beach
thwarted this attack and it was called off. General
de Gaulle is supposed to have declared, "He did not want to shed the blood of Frenchmen for
Frenchmen" and Operation Menace was abandoned leaving Vichy Forces in control of Dakar. Midshipman Mackenzie J Gregory also serving in HMAS Australia gives a more detailed account of the Battle of Dakar on Ahoy, Mac's Web Log. In
November 1942, Vichy French forces in North Africa switched sides and
joined the Free French and after repair in New York the French Battleship Richelieuserved with the Home Fleet at Scapa Flow and in the war against Japan in the Pacific.
Return to Britain on a banana boat
Midshipman Farquharson-Roberts left HMAS Australia near Sydney, Australia, on 24 June 1941 and his S264, the "flimsy" he received from Capt Stewart, noted that
he was “cool and collected in action”. He and the other two Midshipmen
from Dartmouth, Ian Campbell and Rober R. "Bob" Fernie (killed when the submarine, HMS Regent, was lost on 11 April 1943) returned to Britain in a "banana boat", MV Port Dunedin, a Defensively Equipped Merchant Ship (DEMS), with six DEMS Gunners, as described by Alick Sangster:
“On Port Dunedin
our quarters were aft, part of the after hold and next to the steering
flat. The accommodation was reasonable for the times with bunks for
eight in all, though there were only six of us. We also had 'heads' on
the port side, and a wash room and mess on the starboard side. We had
the same food as the rest of the crew, brought from the galley.
Our armaments were Hotchkiss machine guns on the bridge wings, and a
Marlin gun on the monkey island. We also had a 12 pounder AA gun. This
was mounted aft, just forward of the 4.7" anti sub gun, both located on
top of the accommodation of the bosun, chippy and donkeyman."
French Atlantic ports were occupied by Germany and their convoy headed
east across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal to the Atlantic.
They headed along the eastern seabord of the United States to
Halifax in Nova Scotia where the convoys assembled for the Atlantic
crossing to Liverpool, staying well clear of the French coast. The Port Dunedin joined Convoy HX143, a large convoy of 73 ships, which left Halifax on 5 August 1941. Stuart remembered
passing HMS Prince of Wales and
seeing Winston Churchill smoking a cigar on the quarter deck. The three
Midshipman stood on the port side of their banana boat and saluted him
as they passed and he waved back. Churchill was returning to Britain
after signing the Atlantic Charter on 13 August with Rosevelt aboard
the USS Augusta in Placenta Bay, Newfoundland. This brief encounter made a deep impression on all the ships in the convoy - and on Churchill:
- At about 1500 hours in approximate position 60N, 34W the PRINCE OF
WALES closed convoy HX 143 (Ex Halifax 5/8/41, 73 mercantiles escorted
by the AMC WOLFE, destroyer BURNHAM and corvettes AGASSIZ, GALT, LEVIS
and MAYFLOWER). Churchill had the battleship steam through the middle
of the convoy flying the signal 'Bon voyage, Churchill', Churchill
stood at the rail waving and the ships of the convoy hooting in return.
Churchill enjoyed the experience so much he had Captain Leach reverse
course and repeat the manoeuvre."
At the age of 99 Stuart Murray William Farquharson-Roberts can no
longer remember the sequence of the ships in which he served
and exact dates but after returning to Britain he served in the heavy cruiser HMS Cumberland, the old R-Class destroyer HMS Skate and spent a few weeks on the V & W Class destroyer, HMS Vanity escorting East Coast Convoys and on the battleship HMS Renown before taking his Seamanship Exam and joining HMS Archer,
a "Woolworth's Carrier", an escort carrier built quickly on the
cheap from the hull of a merchant ship. The British built Woolworth's
Carriers and the American Attacker Class escort carriers swung the balance in favour of the escorts for Arctic Convoys. He joined HMS Westcott as Navigation Officer in 1943.
Bob Smale, Leading Signalman (on left) with Lt Stuart M.W. Farquharson-Roberts RN and Stuart's wife Ursula at a reunion of the "Westcott Club"
Viv Fairweather supplied the photograph which is thought to have been taken at the Victory Services Club in London in 1991
Arctic Convoy RS.55A
Christmas Day 1943
This brief description of Christmas Day 1943 when HMS Westcott was escorting return convoy RS.55A was first published in Hard Lying, the magazine of the V & W Destroyer Association, and republished along with many other articles from Hard Lying in Stormy Fairweather's book of the same name.
"On that day I was a 21 year old Lieutenant, one of three bridge watch
keepers in HMS Westcott, a WWI destroyer, escorting the homeward bound
convoy RA.55A, roughly south of Bear Island. I had the middle watch, so
Christmas started for me at 0001 on the bridge. Course west, wind south
west rising to gale force, plenty of icy spray. We spent much of the
time finding four fleet destroyers, lent for protection, but to pass
them the message that they were now required to join the eastbound
convoy JW55B which had recently passed us.
My next watch was the afternoon, so Christmas lunch had to be taken
alone in the wardroom at around 1130. Our course was now northwest
towards the pack ice, presumably to distance us from trouble -
intelligence reporting that the mighty battlecruiser SCHARNHORST was
stirring and might be sailing north. The wind was now gale force and on
our port beam, strong enough to roll us 45 to 50 degrees to starboard.
To stop everything flying about, the wardroom staff secured the settee
and the two arm chairs hard up against the starboard wall settee, thus
making a comfortable channel in which to sit with lunch on one's lap,
without fear of the meal taking flight. Despite the turmoil the steward
produced delightful roast beef and a wonderful roast potato - why
"wonderful"? Because we only had upper deck stowage for vegetables, so
after three days out from our Russian port anything not eaten would be
frost bitten and ditched. The wardroom cook [bless him!] kept enough
spuds below to give us all one for Christmas. Otherwise it would have
been rice balls - edible but not quite the same. Next came the usual
figgy duff, nice enough!
Soon it was time for my duffel coat, oilskin and neck towel - at all
costs keep the icy spray off your chest! - and now the very careful
opening of the starboard watertight door to the upper deck. This has
five steel clips, one above and below, three down the side, the middle
where a handle would normally be. This one you leave to last, and seize
the moment when returning from the big starboard roll to get out. You
now have a few seconds in which to close all five clips, get round
forward of your superstructure where you reach a long, high, taut
jackstay reaching to the break of the forecastle. From it hang strips
of rope called lizards, with hard eyes so they can travel along the
jackstay. You grab one and start walking along the iron deck - V&W
destroyers have no passage below. Once or twice progress will be
interrupted when the big roll lets seawater foam across the deck -
"shipping it green", as they say. This can dislodge your seaboots'
slippery grip, but as long as you keep hugging that lizard you will
soon get going again. At least you can see things; midday in midwinter
at those latitudes gives you a dim dawn slowly turning into a similar
dusk, with about 21 hours of darkness ahead. Arriving at the forecastle
you change grip with care to a metal rung ladder - gloves essential,
the icy rungs would take strips off your bare hands - and after three
such ladders you are back on your open bridge.
Christmas afternoon brought the news that the Scharnhorst and escorting
destroyers were at sea, probably after the laden outward convoy JW.55B,
that three of our cruisers were joining its defence. One was Belfast,
still alongside at London. The Home Fleet was steaming east at top
speed to join the fray. In RA.55A
we were fast leaving the scene but could follow the Boxing Day ensuing
battle by radio, since Admiral Frazer in the battleship Duke of York decided to use plain language for signals for greater speed of action.
As the gallant Scharnhorst finally went down fighting there was
rejoicing, but 70 years on one remembers that only 36 survivors were
picked up from 1,767 men. Men probably very similar to us, and often
with a common enemy, the sea."
Northbound convoy JW.56B Arctic Convoys 1944
This description of a typical Arctic Convoy by Stuart Farquharson-Roberts based on notes written during the convoy was written for Tom Chapman's book Water, Water, Everywhere. It
describes northbound convoy JW56B which left Loch Ewe on 22 January
1944 and return Convoy RA56 which left Murmansk on 3 February 1944 and
arrived on 11 February.
After a very tiring night spent at action stations, dragging the
anchor, we proceeded across Loch Ewe to find a more sheltered billet.
The wind moderated slightly, and one began to wonder whether conditions
were fair enough to put to sea. The disadvantage of doing so was a
debatable matter. We would have greatly liked a good night in before
leaving harbour (the previous night being less of a night in than one
would ever get at sea) but on the other hand the convoy had already
been delayed several days on account of the weather and prevailing
opinion was “lets get the evil business over and done with”.
thinking was brought to an end however when the Commodore hoisted his
‘Weigh and Proceed’ signal. Since we were the Senior Officer for the
opening stages we had to be out with the leading hip, which was rather
annoying as it always means hanging around for hours outside until the
convoy forms up.
Heavy seas
were encountered as soon as we left Loch Ewe. Not a propitious start.
Coming up suddenly the weather caused nearly half the ship’s company to
succumb to sea sickness. Thanks to the doctors pills I was among the
happier half.
After the
usual stooging around while the convoy joined up, we took up station
ahead and proceeded to Iceland. For some days past, grim signals had
been coming in, an extremely severe gale had broken up the convoy ahead
of us and we soon passed one or two ships which had to leave and
subsequently turn back, JA56A (Roskill).
The expected
seldom happens however and we struck nothing worse than a heavy swell
and a force 6 wind from the SW, quite normal for these waters.
Two uneventful
days passed in the convoy and we picked up land echoes by radar at long
range on the morning of the 25th. As we had to refuel at Suddisfjord we
left. Convoy behind at 1000 hrs and carried on t 18 knots.
During the
afternoon a local offshore wind picked up, quickly becoming a force 8
gale and lashing the sea up until we had to reduce speed on account of
the heavy bumping. One of the advantages of being in these old
destroyers is that one has to take care of them more than the fleet
destroyers in heavy seas, since their old plates cannot stand up to
much without the rivets beginning to loosen. Consequently, it never
becomes too uncomfortable. During the afternoon a fleet of destroyers
which has unsuccessfully tried to meet us eight hours earlier went past
at 20 knots and at times gave a very realistic imitation of a submarine.
It was
bitterly cold, and the spray froze almost before it hit the bridge, so
we were soon iced up on the standing rigging and fo’castle guard rails.
We entered Suddisfjord about 1630 and wen straight alongside the oiler. After a while the Whitehall came alongside, and we were able to take a few drinks together and wish each other luck before the long trip started.
We slipped at
2200 and proceeded to re-join the convoy, first securing the ship in
anticipation of heavy weather. Once again, we met the unexpected, the
wind dropped, and a brilliant aurora was playing over a clear blue sky.
We picked up the convoy without difficulty, taking up station well
ahead until daylight afforded us better chance of sorting things out.
The 3rd destroyer flotilla joined the convoy as expected next forenoon
and we took up position on the port quarter of the convoy. The convoy
now had a formidable escort of six fleet destroyers, twelve V & W
destroyers, several fleet sweepers and some corvettes, far more than
would be found on any Atlantic convoy. This is probably due to the
possibility of interference by the Tirpitz in Kola fjord or a flotilla of German destroyers.
During the day a sea swell subsided, the wind dropped and for once it
was quite pleasant to be on the job. Calm weather means increased enemy
activity, however, so we were not surprised to see an unidentified
aircraft during the afternoon at extreme range – probably a JU88 making
preliminary reports of the convoy movements. It soon disappeared and we
rightly surmised that that we had been spotted and reported to the
Germans. This meant a probable return of the aircraft the next day to
check up on our speed and possibly start homing the U-boats and other
aircraft homing in on us.
Sure enough, at 1300 the next day he was back again, a bit bolder this
time. Coming within range of one or two of the heavier armed ships. He
would have to be close indeed to come within effective range of our two
four-inch guns. However, hope springs eternal and we closed up at air
station action stations on the off chance. By now it was quite clear
the enemy knew all about us and from other information received we knew
that several U-boats were converging on us. Reports from the convoy
ahead indicated that they had been through a heavy attack, three
merchant ships had been sunk and one escort damaged. This afforded us
one consolation in that at least six U-boats had had their stings drawn
and would be going home for new ones.
28.1 44
The convoy ahead had reached their destination the next day and we were
very pleased to hear that the 26th destroyer flotilla was doing a quick
turn around and coming back to help us. The U-boats would now have a
very tough nut to crack, with such a strong support group patrolling
around the convoy, leaving a strong screen intact.
Meanwhile, the general situation pointed to an attack by U-boats not
before the 29th for they do not attack as they arrive but wait and form
up into a pack some way off first. On the other hand, a large-scale air
attack with glider bombers and other horrors was quite on the cards for
the 28th.
Continued But the air attack never came, possibly they are running out of
aircraft in other outposts of their ill-gotten Empire. Instead, the
normal shadow turned up punctually at 1300, a BV 138 this time. He
stayed about an hour.
Now for it? RT silence had been broken all ships were on top line, at
1100 on the 29th we saw and heard heavy gun fire on the horizon by the
starboard quarter of the convoy. The report soon came over the air Whitehall and Mahratta were engaging two surface U-boats. Whitehall
again! She always seems to have the fun. No jealousies are as strong as
family ones, as in the case here where her Skipper, Lt Cdr Cowell is my
second cousin-in-law. A few minutes later both U-boats had dived, no
hits had been observed and the two destroyers proceeded to sit on ‘em
gradually dropping astern. Soon the distant rumble of depth charges
which were to be heard almost incessantly for the next three days
announcing headaches, at least, for the two U-boat crews. Even if the
depth charges do not prove fatal, they achieve the chief aim of
preventing the submarines concerned from taking any further part in the
operation. For although the hulls take a lot of cracking electric light
bulbs and already frayed nerves don’t.
On the strength of this excitement we had gone to action stations,
which was just as well as a couple of shadowing BV138’s decided to have
a really close look at us. This gave us a long-awaited chance to open
fire, but it was an abortive shoot. The rounds falling into the water
at short range. Still, it achieved the purpose of masking the planes
keep their distance. We switched to defence watches (one in two instead
of one in three) so as to have both guns manned, but apart from Whitehall and Mahrattas’
continued attacks, nothing further happened during the afternoon and
the convoy arrived safely in Kola on 2.2.44. Returning with 37 ships on
the 3 February, arriving at Loch Ewe on the 11 February 1944.
On the 27 March 1944Westcott escorted JW.58 from Loch Ewe and arrived at Kola on 5 April with no losses and returned with RA.58 from Kola on 7 April arriving back at Loch Ewe on the 14 April 1944.
Lt. Stuart Murray William Farquharson-RobertsRN
On leaving HMS Westcott he joined HMS Conn, a turbo-diesel ("Buckley") Captain Class frigate named after Captain John Conn of HMS Dreadnought at the Battle of Trafalgar. Her CO was Lt Cdr Raymond Hartwho had commanded the V & W HMS Vidette,
a member of the B7 Escort Group during the defence of Convoy ONS.5 in
April 1943. Hart was the Senior Officer of the 21st Escort Group
(1944-45) in Conn and led them in sinking three U-boats in March 1945, two in one day. Stuart
Farquharson-Roberts remained in the Royal Navy after the war and retired
as Capt Stuart M.W. Farquharson-Roberts RN in 1977. He lives in Steep,
Hampshire, has internet access and e-mail (via his carer) and still occasionaly drives a car.
"The Most Ancient Order of the Blue Nose" "Blue Nose
Certificates" were awarded to crew members on entering the Arctic Circle
for the first time George Rankin Raeburn was a
shipmate of Stormy Fairweather on HMS Westcott in 1943-4 when Lt Cdr Hedworth Lambton
RN was the CO The "blue Nose Certificate" was drawn by Signalman Leslie Lawrence
Edwin Philip "Ted" Cross RDF Operator in Westcott, June 1943 to the end of the War
Cross was born at Erith in Kent on 11 July 1925. He left school at 14
and had several jobs before volunteering for the Navy six months before
his eighteenth bithday to avoid being conscripted into the Army. He did
his ten weeks basic training course at HMS Collingwood at Fareham in Hampshire.
He opted to be an RDF Operator, the
word used at that time for Radar, a new technology which could track
submarines when surfaced while ASDIC tracked them when submerged; there
would be "no hiding place" for German u-boats. He did his RDF training
on the Isle of Man at HMS Valkerie and joined HMS Westcott in June 1943 at the start of her final Commission after conversion to a Long Range Escort (LRE).
Westcott worked up at Londonderry after her conversion and in September joined the 4th Escort Group which included HMS Wrestler and Whitehall
at Liverpool escorting Atlantic Convoys but it was not long before she
was transferred to the 8th Escort Group based at Greenock on the Clyde
escorting Arctic Convoys to Northern Russia.
There were six RDF Operators in Westcott
split between Red, Blue and Green Watches, with two on duty at a time
in the RDF officce. It was impossible to maintain ones concentration to
the fickering screen for an entire four hour Watch so two men were
required. At the end of a Watch the duty operatives had four hours off
before going on Watch again. He was also First Lt Ernest Quarrie RNR
officer’s servant, tidying his cabin and bringing him tea when in
Ted spent his time off duty
sleeping and eating in his Mess. The Mess Deck was three foot beneath
sea level and reached via a hatch and a vertical ladder. Ted Cross was
in Number Six Mess on the Port side which was occupied by fifteen
specialist ratings: 6 RDF operators, 3 HDF operators, a radio
mechanic, a Chef, Leading Chef and three Quartermasters. “Stormy”
Fairweather was on the same mess deck as Ted Cross but on the starboard
side in Number Five Mess with the Signalmen. The three seamen’ messes
were in the forecastle and there was also a Stokers Mess and a
Petty Officers Mess.
Arctic Convoys
During the "Summer Break" Russia was supplied by the southern route through the
Persian Gulf and then overland, The escorts headed North to bring the
empties back (Operation FR) and continued to Archangel where several
ships had been cut off until the convoys resumed. In October 1943 when convoys resumed Westcott was a member of the 8th Escort Group led by HMS Keppel (Cdr Ismay James Tyson RNR) which included HMS Beagle, Waker, Boadicea, Whitehall, Inconstant, Wrestler and Westcott.Westcott escorted
six north bound JW convoys and seven RW return convoys, the
The Navigating Officer, Lt. Stuart Murray William Farquharson-Roberts RN,
known as the "Pilot", had a difficult task. There were 22
hours of winter darkness and he had to hope for clear nights and rely
on star sights to determine their position. The most perilous part of
any convoy was the passage south of Bear Island where the U-Boats
formed a screen and lay in wait. LtFarquharson
depended on Ted Cross to determine the range and bearing of Bear Island
by RDF. The skipper would say, “Well, Pilot, where do you think we
are?" Lt Farquharson-Roberts would then wave his hand over the chart to give an approximate
position which would satisfy the CO, based on what he was told by Ted Cross.
Ted Cross was one of twenty Arctic veterans who received the Ushakov Medal from Vladimir Putin at 10 Downing Street on 16 June 2013
David Cameron presented the veterans with the Arctic Star at the same event
Edwin Philip Cross RDF Operator Ted Cross will be 97 on 11 June 2022 and is in good health
USS Milwaukee
with an American crew joined Arctic Convoy JW.58 to Murmansk where she
was to be handed over to the USSR and become part the Northern Fleet.
JW.58 arrived at the Kola Inlet on 4 April 1944 without loss and on 20
April 1944 Milwaukee was formally transferred on loan to the Soviet Union under lend‑lease and commissioned in the Northern Fleet with the name Murmansk.
Her American crew returned aboard the merchant ships and escorts for
return convoy RA.59. Two of the USN sailors were berthed with Ted Cross
in Number Six Mess on the Port side and Cecil H Wiley, gave him his USN
cap which he still has - somewhat shrunk from washing.
A 'Bunting Tosser' tells his Story of
Arctic Convoys to Russia
Clifford "Stormy" Fairweather was born at Colchester on 11 July 1926 and served in HMS Westcott as a Signalman, a "bunting tosser". "Stormy" was drafted to HMS Westcott
where Bob Smale was a Leading Signalman, on an Arctic Convoy to
Murmansk on the Kola Inlet. He was inspired by the founding of
the North Russia Club by shipmate Chris Tye to form the Westcott Club
which led to the founding of the of the V & W Destroyer
Association. Stormy Fairweather died on Sunday 19 March 2017 and the
Association was dissolved at its meeting at Derby in April. Stormy told
his own story of Arctic Convoys in Hard Lying (2005) and on this web page below.
It was early January 1944, after
initial training at 'Royal Arthur at Skegness and signals training at
'Scotia' at Ayr. I found myself on a draft from Chatham to HMS Westcott
who was at the time berthed at Greenock. I arrived at Glasgow railway
station after a long and tedious journey. There were three others on
the same draft. When we reported our arrival, we were told that
transport down to the docks would not be available for at least an
hour, so to lose ourselves, we did not need a second telling so we
adjourned to the nearest watering hole where I was introduce to my
first 'Black and tan'. The most I had drank until then was the
occasional 'Brown Ale'. After three pints of this nectar we were called
to our transport, one of the Naval trucks. By the time we arrived at
Greenock I was a little worse for wear. However, somehow, I still don't
know how, I managed to negotiate two gang planks and landed on the deck
of HMS Westcott. I was
directed to what was to be my mess, down a hatchway to the mess deck.
Somehow, I managed, with the help
of others, to sling my hammock and actually get in it. The next morning
I was awakened to find that my hammock was swaying. We were at sea! I
was told to report to the Yeoman on the flag deck. When I eventually
found my way there I met the other members of the signals branch. I was
shown around the flag deck, the flag lockers, halyards and various
signal lamps, two ten inch, and an aldis, and the bridge, the binnacle
various brass voice pipes, the chart table which was on the port side
of the bridge with its canvas cover, which was to hide any light when
the navigator or officer of the watch would be plotting or checking our
course during darkness, which was almost twenty four hours during the
winter months in those northern climes, this was where I was to be when
on watch, when not busy with signals I would be at the side of the
bridge, with powerful binoculars as an extra lookout. By this time the
sea was getting a little rough and I was beginning to feel nauseated.
Oh why did I leave the comfort of my home? Soon I was being violently
sea sick and wishing that I could die. This was my initiation to being
a matelot. I had never been on a boat before let alone go to sea. For
three days I was so ill that I eventually passed out. Apparently I was
rolling from one side of the flag deck to the other with the motion of
the ship. When one of the other signal men said to the yeoman "What are
we going to do about him Yeo? "Leave him there, he'll live" was the
reply. However the ship pulled into Iceland and I had a chance to
Destination Russia!
After a brief stay, riding at
anchor we were off. Destination Russia! I was about to learn of the
hazards and hardships of those who were being employed in the escorting
of convoys to and from Murmansk and Archangel. A few days at sea
and we were out of fresh food, from then on it was dehydrated
vegetables, which was always packed in square tins. Meat too became
non-existent except of course Corned beef, or corned dog as we called
it. The only respite from this was when things were really quiet, we
would drop a depth charge, and with everyone on deck with boat hooks,
buckets, anything to grab as many as we could from the hundreds of fish
that had been blown to the surface, with their guts blown out of their
mouths. Of course the fish was delicious. But the memory of the intense
cold (temperatures could get as low as minus 50 degrees with the wind
chill factor) and the very rough seas are uppermost in my mind when I
think of those trips to Murmansk. The ship, like most of the V&Ws
had been built in 1917 as a short range destroyer with a speed of some
thirty knots. In 1943 she had been converted to a long range escort
vessel by removing her 'Woodbine' funnel and one of her boilers to make
way for extra fuel space. This conversion reduced her speed to 22-25
knots, and when she was at full speed she vibrated violently.
Conditions on board were primitive, no baths or showers, you used a
bucket. This was also used for doing your dhobeying or to the
uninitiated 'washing'. There was certainly no privacy. In the
mess which was about 29 feet by 25 feet about twenty-five men had to
sleep, prepare food and eat it. To wash your clothes you scraped
'flakes' off a bar of 'Pussers Hard' (soap) you would then take
it to the galley and if the cook was in a good mood he would let you
put it on the range to heat. Then you would take it on the upper deck
and get busy with the scrubber. There were time when this routine was
just not possible, and you would go many days before you were able to
change into clean clothes. When in harbour, Sunday mornings would be
'Captains Rounds'. The mess had to be scrubbed out, hammocks stowed
away, everything had to be neat and tidy, then you would retire from
your mess whilst the Captain scrutinised the mess, everything had to be
shipshape and 'Bristol Fashion'.
A painting by
shipmate Leslie Lionel Lawrence of HMS Westcott off Iceland Lawrence was a "bunting
tosser" like "Stormy" but three years older and one rank higher Courtesy
of Stormy Fairweather
"Watch About"
This routine was not possible
whilst at sea, being 'Watch About' i.e. four hour on and four hours off
(that is if you were not called to action stations). By the time you
came off watch and removed your oilskin or duffle coat and then the
other sodden wet clothing and climbed into you hammock, most times near
exhaustion, there was not much of your four hours off left to snatch
some sleep, and if action stations sounded you could go some time
before you were able to do that. There was a time when I dozed off
standing up while on watch, thank goodness it was only momentarily for
if I had been caught 'napping' I would have been for the high jump, it
certainly meant a very serious charge. Whilst on watch on the bridge,
unless you were engaged signalling you had to keep a constant lookout
with binoculars glued to your eyes watching for aircraft, U-boats and
if you were close escort, keep an eye on the merchant ships, making
sure they kept station and did not make too much smoke, for some of
them were coal burning ships. Occasionally there would be one develop
engine problems and would drop back out of line whilst the rest of the
convoy carried on, then you may get detailed to stay with it for
protection until it could get under way again. Convoy work was mainly
boring, on the odd occasion we would get a 'ping' from the Asdic,
Action stations would be sounded and then it was all systems go.
Everyone at action stations would have their ears pricked listening to
the Asdic and eye scanned the ocean looking for the tell tale signs of
a periscope of the wake of a torpedo.
"The Battle
On one occasion a U-boat had been reported on the surface ahead of the
convoy, being nearest we were despatched at full speed to intercept. We
were accompanied by another V&W, the Whitehall (I think). We were Senior
Officer Escort and were ahead of the Whitehall.
The Yeoman (who was a very competent man) had his telescope to his eye
scanning the horizon ahead. "Hook on" "Enemy in sight and the Battle
ensign". We were breaking all speed records, vibrating like the devil
pounding through the sea, (can you imagine what it was like for a
seventeen year old to be on the bridge of a British destroyer in hot
pursuit of the enemy?). "U-boat dead ahead sir!!" Hoist enemy in sight,
battle ensign to the masthead!" was the yeoman's cry. He had spotted
the U-boat long before anyone else. Everyone at action stations. Gun
crews, depth charge parties. All those on the bridge had their
binoculars trained on the U-boat. (My first and only sight of a U-boat
until VE Day plus one). Then, "U-boat about to dive sir!" came the cry
from the alert Yeoman Hall. How did he know? The range and
direction was given to 'B' gun's crew. The Gunnery Officer, Trevor
Riches confirmed that he had it in sight, but at extreme range, so with
the gun at an angle of approximate 45 degrees the order came "Open
Fire!!" With the crash of the gun the peak of the Gunnery Officers cape
fell off! But what a brilliant shot. Dead in line with the U-boat but
just a few yards short of the target which by now making a hasty dive
to the protection of the waves. There was not enough time to get off
another shot before the U-boat disappeared. Then the ensuing depth
charge attack, first the 'Hedgehog' - to no avail, then the depth
charges, what a spectacular sight when they detonate. On this occasion
there was no evidence of a kill. We continued the search, but the
conditions in those icy waters are of no assistance to the Asdic
operators. We then had to resume our station in the most important duty
that of protection of the convoy.
So we continued our way to
Murmansk, or should I say Polyarno, for that is where we naval vessels
were (If you were lucky) berthed. Whilst the merchant ships continued
up the Kola inlet to Murmansk. What a God forsaken place, not the ideal
place for a run ashore. I did try to go our of the dockyard area once,
only to be confronted by a Russian woman dressed in a dark khaki great
coat and the usual Russian fur hat with the red star in the front,
armed with a rifle with fixed bayonet, Nikt you are not going walkies
was the impression she gave me when brandishing the bayonet. I'm sure
she would have disembowelled me had I persisted. All the Russian people
looked so very sullen, tho' the children were eager to barter for
anything, they looked so pitiful. We escorted another three of these
convoys before we were called to another task.
'D' Day and the Normandy landings.
We left the Clyde on the 3rd June, armed with a pamphlet from General
Eisenhower telling us of the great crusade that we were about to embark
upon. When we turned left instead of right on leaving the Clyde we knew
that it was not to be another Russian run. We rendezvoused with the
Warspite, but because of the deterioration of the weather we had to
sail around the Channel Islands for a couple of days before proceeding
to the French coast. Warspite's task was the bombardment of shore
batteries at Caen. What a thunderous roar when she opened up with a
broadside, this went on most of the day. Come dusk a signal was sent
asking permission to go in close, to do our little bit. We were told to
stay where you are. The next day we developed a leak in one of the
boilers, on reporting this we were told to return to the Solent for
repairs. No lame ducks were welcome in this environment. As we
steamed up the Solent, vessels of every conceivable type, Royal and
Merchant ships cheered and blared away on their sirens etc; may be they
thought that we had been wounded in battle! After we had
anchored, I was on watch when I noticed among all these hundreds of
ships a light was flashing our pennant number. On answering I found
that it was my brother who was serving on an MTB. Looking at him
through my binoculars I could just make out his balding head. Of course
there was no possibility of meeting up. On completion of the
temporary repairs we were detailed to patrol off the French and Belgian
coast. This we continued to do calling in at Dover for fuel and
supplies. Then it was off to Dundee to get the boiler cleaned and
Arctic Convoy JW.61A
On the 31st October we escorted two
large personnel ships, this was a fast convoy, the two ships, the Empress of Australia and the Scythia
had 11,000 Russian nationals on board who had been 'captured' in
France, while serving with the Germans. When we arrived at the Kola
Inlet we had to anchor in the mouth of the river. No one was allowed
ashore, and the British shore establishments were not allowed near
Murmansk. What happened to those unfortunate Russians? We did two
more of those convoys to Russia, On one return convoy in December I was
on watch and saw in the distance a huge flash, followed by the sound of
an explosion. I was soon to learn that it was the destroyer Cassandra which had been
torpedoed, lost her bows and had to return to Murmansk.
Our last Convoy, JW.63 and RA.63
Our last convoy to Russia designated JW63 sailed on the 30th December,
and arrived on the 8th January. By now there was almost 24 hours of
darkness, with very much cloud, snow and ice which meant that there was
no interference from the enemy. The return convoy RA63 sailed from the
Kola Inlet on the 11th January 1945, once again we were not intercepted
by the enemy, but we encountered a far greater and fiercer enemy, that
of the weather.
We were about three days out from Murmansk. North East
of the Faroes when the storm blew up, soon the winds were at hurricane
force, forcing the ships to heave to, or take shelter where they could.
On the Westcott, it was
horrendous, we were being tossed about like a cork I was on the bridge,
soaked to the skin, hanging on for dear life, whilst those in the mess
below were being thrown about to such an extent that some received
injuries. 'Jock Gilmour our S.B.A had split his head open and had used
his clean underwear to bandage it. Fuel oil had escaped through in to
the mess deck mixed with the salt water was swilling around
intermingled with various items that had not been stowed away. What a
filthy stinking mess. One minute the ship was riding on the crest of a
huge wave and then she would plunge down into the trough and the next
wave would come right over the top of us. Everything had been battened
down, no one dare move without a life line. How long the storm lasted I
do not know, I do know that it seemed a lifetime. I think it was the
only time that I feared for my life. How we survived I will never know,
maybe by the skill of the Captain and the helmsman, or may be by the
Grace of God. When the storm did eventually subside, it's
severity was evident. Much damage had been done, anything not secured
had disappeared boats had been smashed, carley rafts gone, rails were
bent there was a heavy swell running and on attempting 180 degree turn,
a wave caught our beam, and the old ship keeled over at an alarming
angle, she stayed there for what seemed ages, but the old girl righted
herself, I'm sure quite a few hearts missed a few beats. We again
resumed our voyage, but we had to go to the Faroes for an emergency
repair apparently rivets had been forced out of our keel!
Storm Damage
On out arrival in the Clyde at the
end of January 1945 we had to go into dock for storm damage repairs,
this was to be Westcott's
last Russian convoy. She did other work, a few trips across to Ireland
escorting the ferry from Stranraer to Larne. The war in Europe was soon
to end. We were anchored in the Clyde on VE day. "Splice the Main
Brace"!! Celebration went on till late in the day we were firing Very
Lights, star shells etc; the officers came forward on to the seaman's
mess carrying bottles of beer and spirits. The Skipper, Lt, Cdr Reed
asked for a cigarette and a light. Who ever gave him the light singed
his beard! He accused me of trying to set light to his beard and
threatened to throw me overboard! The next day we were ordered to
proceed to Iceland. Apparently the marines there had gone on the
rampage. We took with us some senior ranking officers to try and sort
thing out. On the way we came across four U-boats which had been
ordered to remain on the surface, on contact we gave them direction to
proceed to Cambletown in Scotland.
Paid Off!
On our return we were paid
off. Soon the old Westcott
was to be scrapped. She had served our country faithfully and well for
28 years, she had steamed thousands of miles without breaking down.
During her very long and illustrious career she had been involved in
incidents from China to Russia, from the Mediterranean to the North
Atlantic. Now she was to be scrapped, a very sad end to a wonderful
ship. Her name is spoken with great pride and affection by all who
served aboard her as do I. Why? Maybe it was because she was my first
ship, maybe because she had most of my guts, or perhaps it was in her
that I grew up.
Clifford "Stormy" Fairweather Ex 'Bunting Tosser' and
Chairman of the V & W Destroyer Association
You can read a fuller account of Stormy's service in HMS Wescott in The Wartime News PDF Edition for February 2017
Bill Forster recorded an interview with
Clifford ("Stormy") Fairweather at Warwick on the 20 April 2013
You can click on the link to listen to "Stormy" describe his wartime service on HMS
Westcott be patient - it takes a couple of
minutes before the file opens and Clifford starts speaking